Landwehr Law

Trademark Attorney & Copyright Law

Your Ideas are Valuable

In the current global market, intellectual property is critical to identifying and differentiating your business. It is imperative that your assets are thoroughly researched and protected to ensure a solid business foundation and continued success. Landwehr Law Offices has significant experience counseling clients in all areas of trademark and copyright law.
Our team at Landwehr Law takes the guesswork out of preparing, filing and acquiring valuable trademarks before the United States Patent and Trademark Office as well as with the State of Minnesota. We can prepare trademark clearance searches and conduct trademark research on our clients’ behalves as well. In addition, our  trademark office has helped Minneapolis and Saint Paul-based businesses for over 30 years.

Our comprehensive Trademark Attorney services include:

  •  Copyright services
  •  Trademark search & registration
  •  Trademark & copyright monitoring
  •  Renewals
  •  Trademark & Copyright enforcement

Our Trademark Attorney is dedicated to creating, enforcing, and managing your brands and trademarks. Likewise, our skilled and knowledgeable Trademark Attorney has the skills, experience and acumen to get the job done in a cost effective and value added manner. Landwehr Law stands by you as a consulting partner in researching and creating a comprehensive trademark strategy that protects your rights. Contact Landwehr Law today.

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